What’s Cooking

It’s important to know what a church is currently doing, but it’s also interesting to see what they’re cooking up in their future plans.

Coming Soon: Those things that are taking shape to occur in the near future, though they do not have official dates yet.

In the Works: Those things that we’ve talked about and are working toward, but which are still in the early stages of development.

Coming Soon:

Drinkers and

Drinkers and Thinkers

A summer small group for those who want to discuss theology while enjoying a delightful beverage.

It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated

A summer bible study for those who struggle with the Bible. We’ll read it, wrestle with it, and let it be complicated.

Community Connection: Meal Meet-ups

We’ll have various groups meeting throughout the summer months to enjoy a meal together. These groups have no purpose other than to build connections within the Dayspring community.

In the Works:

Income Innovation

A team dedicated to developing alternative revenue streams for the church while also loving our community well.

Thriving Congregations

A group in partnership with the CBF helping to create innovative solutions to modern-day issues.

Healthy Spirituality

A series of sessions led by licensed professional therapists as we discuss what it means to be emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Updated May 2024