Practices and Values

Spiritual Formation

We think Christians are not merely called to believe in Jesus, but also to be formed in the ways of his love. To this end, we offer a variety of Spiritual Formation opportunities throughout the year including bible studies, book studies, sermon talk-backs, and special events. We value asking questions, not having answers, and we honor our differences in belief. Check out our upcoming events to see what’s happening now (or next).


Hospitality is a hallmark at Dayspring, and we practice this theologically and also physically. We regularly use our spaces, time, and talents to offer hospitality to those around us. We do this in many ways including hosting memorial services, celebrations, or even housing traveling youth groups like the one pictured to the left. We also rent our spaces for reasonable, below-market pricing. If you would like to learn more about renting our spaces, click here.


The term “stewardship” refers to the many ways in which we seek to be care-takers of all God has given us (both collectively and individually). This includes stewarding our church building and its grounds, stewarding our church and individual finances, and stewarding the earth through practices like recycling and conserving energy. It also includes stewarding our families and our careers with wisdom and grace. We believe that spiritual health and emotional health go hand in hand, so we regularly address both in the life of the church.


In a world where loneliness has been declared an epidemic, community is more important than ever. We practice this each time we gather for worship or spiritual formation events, but we are always striving to enhance our community. We have bi-monthly fellowships like Coffee & Conversation, monthly fellowships like Lunch Bunch, and quarterly fellowships like our annual Fall Festival (fall), Evening of Merriment (winter), Variety Show (spring), and
Pool Party (summer).


We think churches should be key players in helping meet the needs of their city, so at Dayspring we focus 90% of our missional efforts on serving the local St. Louis community. We especially focus on supporting organizations who seek to address issues of housing and homelessness. Though we are a small congregation, we engage in multiple service opportunities throughout the year. We also support the work of a few international ministries and non-profit organizations.
Learn more here.